Journal Publications
- Bistri, D. Di Leo, C.V. “A continuum electro-chemo-mechanical gradient theory coupled with damage: Application to Li-metal filament growth in all-solid-state batteries”. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 174, 2023. [html]
- Afshar, A., Di Leo, C.V. “A Thermodynamically Consistent Gradient Theory for Diffusion- Reaction-Deformation in Solids: Application to Conversion-Type Electrodes.” Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 151, 2021. [html]
- Bistri, D., Di Leo, C.V. “Modeling of chemo-mechanical multi-particle interactions in composite electrodes for Liquid and Solid-State Li-Ion Batteries.” Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 168(3), 2021. [html]
- León,B., Rimoli, J.J, DiLeo, C.V. “Rotorcraft Dynamic Platform Landings Using Robotic Landing Gear.” Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 143(11), 2021. [html]
- León, B., Rimoli, J.J, Di Leo, C.V. “Ground and Flight Tests of a Cable-Driven, Four-Bar Linkage Robotic Landing Gear for Rotorcraft.” Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 66, 2021. [html]
- Bistri, D., Afshar, A., Di Leo, C.V. “Modeling the chemo-mechanical behavior of all-solid-state batteries: a review.” Meccanica, 775, 2020. [html]
- Xia, X., Afshar, A., Yang, H., Portela, C.M., Kochmann, D.M., Di Leo, C.V., Greer, J.R. “Electrochemically reconfigurable architected materials.” Nature, 573, 2019. [html]
- Tippens, J., Miers, J., Afshar, A., Lewis, J., Cortes, F.J.Q., Qiao, H., Marchese, T.S., Di Leo, C.V., Saldana, C. and McDowell, M.T. “Visualizing Chemo-Mechanical Degradation of a Solid-State Battery Electrolyte.” ACS Energy Letters, 4(6), 2019. [html]
- Di Leo, C.V., León B., Wachlin, J., Kurien, M., Krishnan, A., Krishnan, A., Rimoli, J.J., Costello M. “Design of a Crashworthy Cable-Driven Four-Bar Link Robotic Landing Gear System”. Journal of Aircraft, 57(2)., 2019. [html]
- Di Leo, C.V., Rimoli, J.J. “New perspectives on the grain-size dependent yield strength of polycrystalline metals.” Scripta Materialia, 166, 2019. [html]
- Leon, B., Rimoli, J.J., Di Leo, C.V. “Elastomer Encapsulated Pressure Sensor with Engineered Air Cavity for Force Sensing.” IEEE Sensors Journal, 19(16), 2019. [html]
- Nadkarni, N., Rejovitsky, E., Fraggedakis, D., Di Leo, C.V. Smith, R.B., Bai, P., Bazant, M.Z. “Interplay of phase boundary anisotropy and electro-auto-catalytic surface reactions on the lithium intercalation dynamics in LiXFePO4 platelet like nanoparticles.” Physical Review Materials, 2(8), 2018. [html]
- Xia, X., Di Leo, C.V., Gu, X.W., Lozano, A., Greer, J. “In Situ Lithiation-Delithiation of Mechanically Robust Cu-Si Core-Shell Nanolattices in a Scanning Electron Microscope.” ACS Energy Letters, 1, 492-499, 2016. [html]
- Di Leo, C.V., Rejovitzky, E., and Anand, L., (2015). “Diffusion-deformation theory for amorphous silicon anodes: the role of plastic deformation on elecrochemical performance.” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 67-68, 283-296. [html]
- Rejovitzky, E., Di Leo, C.V., and Anand, L., (2015). “A theory and a simulation capability for the growth of a solid electrolyte interphase layer at an anode particle in a Li-ion battery.” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 78, 210-230. [html]
- Chester, S.A., Di Leo, C.V., and Anand, L. (2014). “A finite element implementation of a coupled diffusion-deformation theory for elastomeric gels.” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 52, 1-28. [html]
- Di Leo, C.V., Rejovitzky, E., and Anand, L. (2014). “A Cahn-Hilliard-type phase-field theory for species diffusion coupled with large elastic deformations: application to phase-separating Li-ion electrode materials.” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 70, 1-29. [html]
- Di Leo, C.V., Luk-Cyr, J., Liu, H., Loeffel, K., Al-Athel, K., and Anand, L. (2014). “A new methodology for characterizing traction-separation relations for interfacial delamination of thermal barrier coatings.” Acta Materialia, 71, 306-318. [html]
- Di Leo, C.V., and Anand, L. (2013). “Hydrogen in metals: A coupled theory for species diffusion and large elastic-plastic deformations.” International Journal of Plasticity, 43, 42-69. [html]
Conference Publications (Refereed)
- Di Leo, C.V., Griendling, K., Morgan, K., Patil, M., Seitzman, J. “Adapting the Aerospace Engi- neering Curriculum to Cultivate the Whole Engineer.” In AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum. Accepted for Publication.
- León, B., Rimoli, J. J. , and Di Leo, C.V. (2019). “Ground and Flight Tests of a Cable-Driven Four-Bar Linkage Robotic Landing Gear for Rotorcraft,” Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society’s Forum 75. 2019 Robert L. Lichten Award Recipient. [html]
- Di Leo, C. V., Leon, B., Wachlin, J., Kurien, M., Rimoli, J. J., Costello, M. “Cable-Driven Four- Bar Link Robotic Landing Gear Mechanism: Rapid Design and Survivability Testing.” In 2018 AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, p. 0491, 2018.
- Bhattacharyya, R., Di Leo, C.V., Floerkemeier, C., Sarma, S., and Anand, L. “RFID tag antenna based temperature sensing using shape memory polymer actuation.” In Sensors, 2010 IEEE, 2363- 2368, 2010.
- Chester, S.A., Srivastava, V., Di Leo, C.V., and Anand, L. A large-deformation theory for thermally- actuated shape-memory polymers and its application. In ASME 2010 IMECE, 677-683., 2010.
- Di Leo, C.V., Costello, M.F., Leon, B., Rimoli, J.J., (Filed: Sep. 2019. Issued: Oct. 2021). “Pressure Sensing Devices with Improved Force Threshold.” US Patent 11,137,311. [html]
- Di Leo, C.V., Costello, M.F., Leon, B., Rimoli, J.J., Ward, M.B., (Filled: Sep. 2018. Issued: Oct. 2022) “Cable-Driven Four-Bar Link Leg Mechanism.” US Patent 11,450,095. [html]
- Rimoli J.J., Di Leo, C.V., Gebara, C. and Lavirgen, J., (Filled: Dec. 2016. Issued: Oct. 2022). “Articulated joint mechanism for cable-based and tensegrity structures.” US Patent 11,466,443. [html]
- Prest, C.D., and Di Leo, C.V (Filled: May. 2014. Issued: May 2018). “Compact media player.” U.S. US Patent 9,961,792 (Division of App No. 12,628,967, now US Patent 8,724,339). [html]
- Prest, C.D., and Di Leo, C.V (Filled: Dec. 2009. Issued: May 2014). “Compact media player.” U.S. US Patent 8,724,339. [html]
- Prest, C.D., Di Leo, C.V., and Minoo, J. (Filled: Feb. 2010. First issued: Nov. 2012). “Accessory controller for electronic devices.” US Patent 9,064,653. (Continuation of US Patents 8,853,581, 8,658,926, and 8,314,354). [html]
Patent Applications
- Di Leo, C.V., Costello, M.F., Leon, B., Rimoli, J.J., Ward, M.B., (Filled: Aug. 2022) “Cable-Driven Four-Bar Link Leg Mechanism.” Pub. No.: US 2022/0411048. (Division of application No. 16,645,370, now US Patent 11,459,094). [html]